Published on 2020/12/07
I'll totally understand if you get the goosebumps after checking this post out. I really will. However, if you check this post out and you still feel nothing, that means you're probably dead inside and thanks to ALRNCN, you just found out. If you have died, I'm not sure; you might as well be a ghost, or a zombie, and I'm sorry that I can't help you with that. If you're craving for brains you're a zombie, and if you're wandering around with a blanket over your body, well, you know. Truth is that we can't rely on those Hollywood stereotypes, because really might defer from those cases. Maybe when you die, you enter into some kind of limbo where you're still moving on with your life, but dead (or undead).
Anyway, here are some of the pictures from the Reddit account of this beauty called 2LoveMeNot. If someone can bring you up from the dead, that's 2LoveMeNot.