WHERE YOU SEE LOVE, I SEE A GOOD BUSINESS DEALHuman relationships, especially romantic ones, are driven by personal interests. Everyone is looking for something, and it’s not always that romantic idea of “true love” we’ve been sold in the movies. In many cases, love is a camouflaged concept that hides more tangible motivations: money, security, beauty, status…
Take those two videos as an example: two young, beautiful women dancing with their husbands, two older, unattractive men who, no doubt, have plenty of money. You don’t need to be a genius to see what’s really going on there.
Many will claim that this is love, but is it really? It seems more like a clear exchange of interests: beauty and youth in return for a secure financial future. And I’m not judging, because, in the end, we all do the same in our own way.
People get together because there’s something to gain. No one stays with someone who doesn’t fulfill their needs or desires, whether it’s money, affection, recognition, or simply companionship. And when one of those needs is no longer met, “love” starts to falter, if it doesn’t disappear altogether. Let’s call things what they are.
So no, it’s not about criticism. It’s about understanding that personal relationships are transactions where each person seeks to fulfill their own needs. That’s what really keeps couples together, and if someone doesn’t like hearing that, they can keep living in their bubble of idealized “romanticism.” In the end, things are what they are, whether we like it or not.
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