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We tend to romanticize nature and animals, partly due to Disney, which has always shown us an idealized image of the wild. However, animals follow their own survival rules and won't hesitate to defend themselves if they feel threatened. Nature, though beautiful and fascinating, is unpredictable and dangerous, and it’s important to remember that its laws are not the same as ours.
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A new sheriff has arrived in town to clean up the streets from criminals.
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The tendency of dogs to retrieve objects and bring them back to their owners has its roots in their evolutionary history.
In nature, the ancestors of wild dogs hunted and brought food back to their dens to share with the litter. The ability to retrieve and carry objects is an extension of this behavior..
In addition, dogs have developed strong social bonds with humans throughout domestication, and retrieving objects can be a way to show submission, loyalty, and a desire to please their owners, thus creating a stronger bond. As this behavior is initially encouraged with rewards and praise, it leads the dog to associate retrieving objects with positive experiences.
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Watch out for the potential damage that little branch could have caused.
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Frank Cuesta, known to all as Frank of the Jungle, was attacked at his animal sanctuary by a deer while streaming live on Twitch. Fortunately, everything turned out to be just a scare with a few bruises.
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