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Times of great uncertainty are coming. Nobody really knows where things are going to go, because on the one hand everything looks wonderful, with robots doing our job and explosions of fantasy with virtual reality and artificial intelligence, but on the other hand, what the hell is going to happen to us? What are we going to do for a living and how? What good is all that technology, all those advances and all that progress, if only a few can enjoy it? Isn't capitalism based on consumerism? And if there aren't jobs because the machines overtake it, where are we going to get the money to consume all that wonderful future?
Too many questions and very few answers.
For now let's not get overwhelmed and enjoy what's at reach. Third delivery of "Fakes images of famous actresses generated by artificial intelligence".
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So, Britney Spears just posted another one of her IG choreographies, this time dancing with two massive kitchen knives and three curious dogs sniffing around. She claims the knives are not real, that it's all for Halloween. But at the end of the video, she clinks the knives together and it sounds like metal. Even the dogs get scared. Those knives may not have been sharp, but man, Britney really gives me the creeps.
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There are sheer outfits, and then there's what Bianca Censori, Kanye West's current partner, is wearing. It's at the extreme end of sheer. The next step would be going naked.
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There are so many possibilities that Artificial Intelligence is offering us, so many, that if I had to choose just one, among all its functions, including saving lives or improving our species to previously unimaginable levels, I would undoubtedly choose Undress AI
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There are some outtakes circulating of the model and Logan Paul's girlfriend, Nina Agdal, where she's butt naked in a gym. I have no clue when these pics are from or what magazine they're for. My job here is to do what everyone else is doing: spread 'em around so as many people as possible can see 'em. I'm just a messenger, man.
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In an alternate and highly heteropatriarchal ending, Jack engages in Manspreading with Rose and doesn't let her settle properly on the piece of wood, causing her to end up sinking into the ocean.
Fishermen in the area, more than 100 years later, claim to see, on full moon days, the silhouette of a woman among icebergs and blocks of ice.
The order of factors does alter the result.
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If the internet was invented to watch porn, Artificial Intelligence was invented to see celebrities naked. You won't hear anyone say this out loud, but believe me, it's true.
ExtraBall by walter
The destination is the least of it.
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