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«Mother of God! My dear, what a vice you have»
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ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. They're collaborators or sponsors and, by visiting their sites, they like us even more)
Did you know that you can breathe through someone else's buttocks? I didn't know either. It seems that the colon has a brutal absorption capacity and can also filter the oxygen circulating in the blood, so if someone puts their nose in your butt and inhales forcefully, they receive some of the oxygen you're breathing in. Brutal!
Remember this during the summer when you're at the beach or pool and give it a try underwater.
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@a__freira is an Instagram account dedicated to uploading videos of dubbing famous musical performances. The ones I'm sharing with you have seemed very funny to me.
ExtraBall by walter
"Have you heard anything about Rule 34?"
* Rule 34 is an Internet concept that states if something exists in real life or is invented, there will be a pornographic representation of it. Trying to determine the origin of an Internet phenomenon is usually not straightforward, but most sources claim that Rule 34 started with an online comic published in 2003, following a random user's dismay at finding their favorite childhood cartoon characters depicted in pornographic fan art.
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They say that Artificial Intelligence could be very dangerous for humanity if it fell into the wrong hands, but it can also be a lot of fun depending on who is using it.
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The multiverse in Rick and Morty is presented as an infinite set of alternate realities with different physical laws, characters, and events. It is also used to address philosophical and existential issues, such as free will, personal identity, and the nature of the universe.
Through an interdimensional portal, they have access to a wide range of parallel universes, which has allowed them to meet an infinity of curious creatures that inhabit different realities interconnected in one way or another with our own reality.
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Traveling between multiverses could cause catastrophic consequences. Any minimal space-time change or alteration will not only end with the time line of those Universes, but also of all nearby Universes. They are going to kill us all.
He only needed an additional 115 points to meet the 1000 mark, but we might as well give them to him for that beautiful execution of a hook.
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Hit the record button as I'm coming out of the water, but make sure I look hot.
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I want to believe that amongst the existence of different multiverses, there has to be one, at least ONE, where things are backwards and they are the ones who have to be begging and asking for things. Just ONE!
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I think this video is a few years old. I remember watching it a long time ago. Maybe I was confused and saw another similar one, but it doesn't matter, surely many of you didn't know about the existence of "The Big Book of Dicks".
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