Published on 2016/11/01
THE GIRLS OF SECRETSHELFSome months ago I shared with you the Tumblr account of secretshelf, managed by a sir based in San Francisco very active and respected in the BDSM community.
Besides his Tumblr account, I also published the account of one of his slaves:
I'm saying this because I just came across two more submissive chicks who also started a friendship with this man who loves subjecting and punishing his female friends.

# Access secretshelf on Tumblr
One is petitedeviant... She enjoys getting her butt reddened, walking like a dog and letting her master do whatever he wants...
# Access petitedeviant on Tumblr
littlemissgothkitten could be described with the same words... It's the type of women who prefer to take a passive role, who enjoy taking the slave role, who like both physical and psychological pain... However, where other girls could see pain and humilliation, she only sees pleasure.
# Access littlemissgothkitten on Tumblr
Published on 2016/09/09
DOMINANT AND SUBMISSIVEI'm publishing stuff from two Tumblr accounts I just found.
First, we have secretshelf, which belongs to a 30 year old respected man from San Francisco, a grad student working in some obscure corner of the humanities. He's very active in the local BDSM community. He loves subjecting his slaves, concubines and lovers. Whips, tying up, humilliations...
The other account, on-her-knees-to-please, belongs to a friend of his, a submissive chick. She likes being whipped, punished and feeling a prisoner.
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