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"Plumber’s crack" is that little wardrobe malfunction that happens when a worker bends over, revealing the top of his backside. It’s such a universal sight that it’s practically part of the landscape of any construction site or service worker, like plumbers or electricians.
In this case, an excavator operator shows off his millimeter-perfect precision, scooping up just the right amount of dirt with the bucket and calculating the perfect angle to drop it right into the crack. A clean and meticulous job.
ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. They're collaborators or sponsors and, by visiting their sites, they like us even more)
There are jobs, such as chef or car mechanic, that will make your hands dirty in the process. Having a piece of cloth on hand is not always possible so you have to come up with additional options like this one, which is kindly accepted from many.
ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. These are collaborations or sponsorships and, by visiting their sites, they like us even more)
(1) Be careful with the throttle
(2) Trapped in a Wipe Out test
(3) Accident with a 1936 car
(4) The bold crocodile
(5) Opportunists
(6) Drawing on dirt
Click on the images to view the content.
Codi Vore wants you to punish her... Ugly face, but great tits!!... and Milla's selfies.
Getting pregnant by the team's captain isn't the only risk a good cheerleader must face...
And today, on Sr Viral...
(1) Can we see art on a dusty car's window?
(2) High fi...
(3) Loop with a LEGO train
(4) Under the sea
(5) Elvis without music
(6) 2016's Top100 viral videos (Great to watch in family these Christmas)
Click on the images to view the content.
Antonella Kahllo wishes you Happy Holidays... Bella Hadid's seen-through tits... and a gorgeous Leanne Crow.
(1) It's so hot today!
(2) Surf madness
(3) We've already walked by here, Tom!
(4) Retired cop
(5) Good point!
(6) Be careful with the sniper!
Click on the images to view the content.
One year ago we published gorgeous Olga Katysheva's Instagram account... Today I found more pictures of her, so I couldn't help but sharing them with all of you... So, today on "Lovely pretty girls and their Instagram accounts", Olga Katysheva.