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On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the FBI and Lee County Sheriff's deputies responded to a robbery and hostage situation at a Bank of America in Fort Myers. The suspect, Sterling Alavache, 36 years old, armed with a knife and claiming to have a bomb, was shot by a SWAT sniper while threatening two hostages. The hostages were released unharmed and the situation was quickly resolved.
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Neither traps nor poison are the way to go. The best way to end a plague of rats is to establish yourself in a remote area at night, with a good sniper rifle with night vision and a recently opened can of pellets of 4.5 mm (48 rats in a night)
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This video was a classic on the internet. In the early 2010, this video went viral, but the truth is that the censored version of the video was the most popular one; however, this made people want to watch the uncensored version!... We wanted to see her tits! The girl in the Toyota Supra! We want to watch her boobs.
I remember that I searched for the video back in the day, and it was pretty hard to find it… But like I’ve said more than once, even in the chaotic environment that Internet has become, now there’s some kind of order that allows you, with little knowledge and time, to find practically everything.
The actual name of the girl was Manizha Faranday, a Russian model born in Saint Petersburg; in 2012, with just 20 years old, she got featured in a video where she was inside of a Toyota Supra, and her tits jumped out of her blouse. At one moment, she even felt overwhelmed with the whole situation, even going to twitter to convey her frustration feelings.
Today I’ve watched the uncensored video again, and I just felt like searching for her. I don’t know what’s going on in her life right now, but I’ve definitely compiled some things that I found in my search.
# Watch videos and photos
ExtraBall by crow
Focus. Don’t let anything distract you…
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Rumanian gypsies… Mirror, mirror on the wall… And sexual shower.
The figure of the exhibitionist wearing a trench coat is long forgotten... Nowadays exhibitionism is on the Internet and it's practised by both men and women... and unlike the first case, which mainly provoked repulsion, now it's liked by hundreds of thousands of people...
A female Sirian sniper who fights against ISIS aims with her rifle... shoots and... just in that moment, she was a target too by another sniper.
# Watch video
ExtraBall by fouronzas
ExtraBall2 by Fede
What's going on with this Instagram account? Why doesn't it get slapped by the social network's censors? Perhaps the account was recently hacked?
A female Sirian sniper who fights against ISIS aims with her rifle... shoots and... just in that moment, she was a target too by another sniper.
# Watch video
ExtraBall by fouronzas
ExtraBall2 by Fede
What's going on with this Instagram account? Why doesn't it get slapped by the social network's censors? Perhaps the account was recently hacked?
Novritsch is Youtube's sniper. He really deserves that title. Novritsch, an airsoft lover, shares on her channel his different confrontations and now he's published a compilation of the best and funniest moments in 2016.
Novritsch is Youtube's sniper. He really deserves that title. Novritsch, an airsoft lover, shares on her channel his different confrontations and now he's published a compilation of the best and funniest moments in 2016.
Another great video of Youtube's sniper, Novritsch, who's become famous in the airsoft community. This time it's urban warfare where he makes use several times of hand grenades.
I'm also publishing a video of fights during airsoft matches.